Thursday, August 30, 2012

There are more amazing things than smaller pants!

I recently found myself ecstatic that a chain sporting good store had there 1/4 ton chair on 30% off! And a 20% off coupon in the paper meaning I'd get two chairs for the price of one!

I had purchased 2 a few years priority the urging of my mother after I destroyed a regular camp chair with a 250lb limit while @ a craft show. Again a warning sign I had gained too much weight!

When my mother had suggested the 1/4 ton chairs I was insulted! But the chairs are sturdier, wider and higher all a round more comfortable than the $6 drug store ones I'd used in the past. Now that I've lost weight I'm noticing that it's even more comfortable and I'm a firm believer everyone should own one!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Am I booty calling my deli?

I realized tonight that I've apparently broken up with my local convenience store deli... 4 years ago every night between midnight and 6 am I would find myself driving to get a BLT or a meatball shortie w/ added pepperoni a bag of chips or Doritos a large 32 oz soda or wawa iced tea lemonade... On a really wild night I'd add 4 servings of Ben & Jerry's

What was I thinking?

It took me walking in and realizing they remodeled and the staff was all new faces! How long has it been? I didn't even realize I had made the behavior change till tonight but not only what am I saving from my waist line by not eating an extra 72 points every night but @ $12-$15 a night what am I saving my wallet?

So I would have to give myself and anyone else who has made a change like this a bravo for this behavior change!

Monday, August 20, 2012


I need to find a fun free way to add exercise to my day... I no longer have a gym membership & I miss classes like Zumba and swimming!

Im active at my current job, I started wearing a pedometer and I range from 10,000 steps, to 21,000 steps so some days I am exhausted when I'm home from work! But on those few days I'm closer to the 10,000 I need a way to maintain the level I am most other days!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


How many times can you say oh I'm on vacation who cares about tracking what I'm eating? Or calorie counting?

Well I wrestled with vacation this year and the idea of staying the same weight or gaining no more than 4 lbs.

I ate like a queen almost every day while on vacation I will spare u the details of each meal, but my days started with my man making pancakes and bacon covered in vt maple syrup and lunch and dinner was either grilled chicken, shrimp or ribs almost daily& being in dairy country we had to take trips to Ben & Jerry's factory! But I refrained from the $35 Vermonter Sunday and opted for a heath bar crunch sundae.

Now this year we tried something different, water have you tried it? We brought 2 cases of water bottles and 3 gal. In the fridge. And 2 bottles of soda instead of two bottles a day! We packed snacks for vacation. However most got repacked and brought home.

So when it came time for my Friday ww meeting I said ok I'm skipping! I will give myself an extra week! Saturday I woke up to a different attitude! I told myself no! You need to know how bad you did! I ran out the door got to my meeting and the moment of truth came I was 3 lbs lighter! I felt like a winner! Like the decisions I made and behavior changes have paid off. Gold star week for me! Now back to reality and my crazy week ahead! How have you made it thru this summer with vacations? And BBQ's?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Amazing take off horrible dismount...

I had an amazing day food wise. Despite of what was going on around me I was on track w/ my plan in mind be full on healthy options. No sugar added apple sauce, carrots w/ hummus, whole wheat bread pb&j w/ water! A whopping 10 ww plus points... Then came work sabotage! We were baking snacks and I was quality control, then my boss got low fat Pringles and was insisting I eat my half the container... At the happy hour I hosted they served warm soft pretzels! I'm a self proclaimed carb junky I know better than this but why!!! Why do I crave them? So like the title says amazing take off horrible dismount today! But tomorrow I will try again!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bravo moment

I'm giving myself a bravo... Yesterday I ate dinner till I was satisfied, but it was not at all what I was wanting to eat. I wanted to go out for dinned. But I'm starting to lessen making dinner an event and more of a daily have to, like going to the bathroom and breathing!

Friday, August 3, 2012

15 more lbs to go till my 50lb reward!

Today's weightwatchers meeting has challenged me to think about goals... The idea of loosing 160lbs is over whelming. But the idea of breaking it down to 5 lb stars and or a 50lb award it seems doable.

Just like my 16 wk award and my 10% award... Here's to my next 3 5lb stars!